(Coordinator - André Correia)

The ProHealth focuses research on the production of data on Oral Health and the annotation and integration of these data with systemic health, molecular and QoL data in order to develop solutions for support in diagnostic and intervention. These tools bring Precision to the Prevention and Treatment in Oral Health. The development of solutions for vulnerable groups are a priority.

Additionally, ProHealth Platform are involved in clinical trials for: characterization and optimization of materials and dental procedures for better Oral Healthcare; evaluation of oral devices for the improvement of oral care to be applied in community interventions; the evaluation of new diagnostics, treatment and monitoring technologies applied to clinical and community interventions.

The development, implementation and integration of e-Oral Health record directed in dental clinical practice, education and research, will contribute for optimization of dental treatments by providing scientific support for diagnosis in an Overall Health perspective.

ProHealth platform has 2 labs each with a Lab Leader:

oral e-health

Oral e-Health Lab - André Correia





Oral Health for All Lab (4All-Lab) - Nélio Veiga

University Dental Clinic – Clinical Diretor Nélio Veiga

Integrated Researchers:

André Correia - Plataform Coordinator, Lab Responsible 

Miguel Cardoso

Nélio Veiga - Clinic Director, Lab Responsible

Patrícia Couto

Patrícia Fonseca

Rita Noites

Tiago Borges

Collaborator Researchers:

  • Ana Rita Carvalho (PhD student)
  • Bruno Leitão de Almeida (PhD student)
  • Carlos Almeida (PhD student)
  • Cristina Figueiredo (PhD student)
  • Filipe Araújo (PhD student)
  • Helder Costa (PhD student)
  • Nuno Bernardo (PhD student)
  • Tiago Marques (PhD student)
  • Patricia Correia (PhD)
  • Rute Rio (PhD)
  • Susana Paula Fernandes Machado da Silva (PhD)
  • Vanessa Silva (PhD)